Ways to uncover your authentic self at Work, Home, in Relationships and Life
If today you are no longer willing to settle for mediocrity in your work, relationships, and your life, this book is for you. Within these pages is the powerful secret to unlocking your fullest potential as a career person, a parent, a friend, a mate, a lover, a human being. How? Through getting naked. Getting Naked is about living life as the fullest, most authentic version of you. It's about cutting the crap--releasing the baggage that has held you hostage for so long and embracing all of you; the good parts, the bad parts, the public parts, and the shadow parts, so you can integrate them and become an even stronger force of positivity in the universe, through the secrets of honest self-disclosure.
Most new coaches dread the idea of having to sell themselves in order to get clients, let alone "networking" in order to meet them.